Energy-Saving Tips For Residents In Abuja

With the recent and frequent hikes in electricity tariffs in Nigeria, it’s wise to explore ways to reduce your monthly electricity bill if you really care about how much they are getting from you monthly. This is even more important if you’re a resident of Abuja, considering other bills that comes your way every now and then
If you haven’t already started finding ways to lower your electricity costs, now is the time to make an effort, especially if you use a prepaid meter. Without a prepaid meter, you might still be at the mercy of electricity distributors and their estimated monthly bills, over which you have little control.

Having a prepaid meter installed in your home offers an advantage, but there are still strategies to help you save money on electricity, as you’ll find below:
1. Use Energy-Efficient Bulbs
Non-energy-efficient bulbs might be cheaper upfront, but they cost more in the long run because they consume more power. Regular bulbs use between 60-200 watts, while energy-saving bulbs use between 7-11 watts, resulting in significant savings.
2. Be Mindful of Switching Off Lights
Don’t underestimate the energy consumption of bulbs. Be deliberate about turning off lights when they’re not in use, especially during the day and when you go to bed. Pay attention to all rooms, including the kitchen, bathroom, and storage areas. Only security lights should be left on.
4. Cut Off Background Power Consumption
Simply turning off a device but leaving it plugged in doesn’t stop power consumption. Turn off both the socket and the device’s power switch to avoid ‘vampire power’ usage.
5. Limit Fan Usage
Ceiling fans are significant power consumers due to their long hours of operation. Regulate their runtime and consider replacing them with energy-saving models if possible. If that’s not an option, be mindful of how long they run.

6. Manage Air Conditioner Usage
Air conditioners are known for high energy consumption. Running a 1.5hp air conditioner for 10 hours can cost over N30,000 per month. Alternate between using the AC and a fan to save money. Limiting AC use to 8 hours per day can save you a substantial amount.
7. Optimize Refrigerator Efficiency
Refrigerators consume a lot of energy, especially non-energy-saving models. Consider buying a smaller, more efficient refrigerator. Ensure it’s placed in an area with good air circulation and away from direct sunlight or heat sources. Avoid overstuffing it to maintain efficiency.
With that being said, take a walk around your home and note down all energy-consuming appliances and their watt ratings. Identify high-energy-consuming devices and consider replacing them with energy-efficient models to trim down your energy consumption.
You can significantly reduce your electricity bill and save money in the long run if you practice these tips.