5 Key Benefits You Should Live In A Green Environment

We often hear about how green spaces can beautify our environment and aid relaxation. However, the benefits of green environment extend far beyond their aesthetic appeal. Green spaces offer numerous advantages for your health and well-being.
In this post, we will discuss five significant ways living in a green neighbourhood can benefit your health.
Ready? Read on!
1. Preservation of the Ozone Layer
Industrial activities have accelerated the destruction of the ozone layer, which has historically protected us from harmful ultraviolet rays. The strength of the ozone layer is diminishing as pollutant gases create holes in it.
According to Ecosia, the world’s forests absorb a third of global emissions annually. Trees capture particles, odors, and pollutant gases such as nitrogen oxides, ammonia, and sulfur dioxide on their leaves. Through their stomata, or pores, trees absorb these toxic chemicals, effectively filtering them from the air. Trees also mitigate the greenhouse gas effect by trapping heat, reducing ground-level ozone levels, and releasing oxygen.
Green environments help cushion the impact of pollutant gases on the ozone layer, creating a safer environment for everyone, including future generations.
2. Preservation of Human Life
Approximately 3 million people die annually from diseases and allergies linked to air pollution, including lung cancer, cardiovascular diseases, and heart diseases. While we may not have direct control over industrial activities causing air pollution, we can mitigate its impact by increasing tree-planting activities.
Trees purify the air we breathe by absorbing toxic chemicals from the atmosphere, reducing the inhalation of harmful substances by humans. In essence, trees consume toxic substances on our behalf, shielding us from the risk of terminal diseases.
3. Improves Mental Health & Increases Productivity
Green spaces are beneficial for nature and mental health. Access to green spaces improves mental health by providing calmness and serenity. Even visual access to natural scenes can reduce stress and improve our ability to concentrate, thereby increasing productivity.
Green areas are especially beneficial for children. Kids who play in green areas tend to be more creative, intelligent, and productive. Green spaces ignite curiosity, encouraging children to explore their surroundings and discover various forms of life, enhancing their physical and imaginative abilities.

4. Encourages Physical Activities
Living in green areas stimulates physical activities such as jogging and running for both kids and adults. More access to natural elements increases outdoor time and interest in exercising. Studies show that exercises feel better in natural environments, leading to longer and more enjoyable workouts, which are great for our bodies.
5. Improves Immune System & Keeps You Healthy
Living in a green environment can boost our immune system and overall health. Research from the University of Illinois indicates that spending time in nature provides protection against various diseases, including depression, diabetes, obesity, ADHD, and cancer. Ming Kuo, an environment and behaviour researcher, believes that nature enhances the functioning of the immune system.
In conclusion, green environments not only help sustain our planet but also our health, leading to healthier and happier lives. So it is important for you to consider this as a necessity when scouting for your next home.
Wouldn’t you choose a healthier and happier life?